How To Start a Link Building Company

Estimated read time 5 min read

Link building remains one of the most effective tactics for improving search engine rankings. As Google continues to value high-quality backlinks as a ranking factor, starting a dedicated link building service presents a major business opportunity.

However, successfully launching a link building agency requires more than just outreach skills. You need proven processes, capable staff, and methodical reporting to satisfy and retain clients.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover the key steps and considerations for starting a successful link building company based on over 20 years of SEO experience.

Research the Competition

Before diving into service offerings and pricing, take time to thoroughly analyze existing link building agencies. Evaluate both large recognized players and smaller boutique firms.

Look at factors like:

  • Services offered – Do they provide additional SEO offerings or specialize in link building?
  • Pricing models – One-time project fees or ongoing retainers? What do different deliverables cost?
  • Case studies and examples – Review sample results they’ve achieved for clients.
  • Reputation and reviews – Gauge their standing based on online feedback and community perception.

Conducting competitive research gives you an understanding of baseline pricing, service gaps, and areas where you can differentiate. With link building services projected to grow into a $160M market by 2025, there is still ample room for new specialized agencies.

Develop Link Building Skills and Processes

Operating an agency requires link building capabilities exceeding typical freelancer skills. Before selling services, invest time honing critical processes like:

Link Prospecting

  • Learn how to thoroughly identify relevant link opportunities that align with client sites using tools like Pitchbox, BuzzStream, and Link Explorer.

Creative Outreach

  • Develop effective cold email and social outreach templates for earned link campaigns. Test and iterate messaging.

Content Promotion

  • Practice promoting and distributing client content assets like infographics or guest posts to secure backlinks.

Link Analysis

  • Become fluent in using analytics tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Majestic to analyze competitors’ links and identify new prospects.

Document your approach so it can be replicated and scaled. Having defined processes transforms link building from a solitary skill to a well-oiled agency service.

Create Service Offerings and Pricing

With research and methodology complete, determine the actual services and pricing your agency will offer clients.

Typical link building offerings include:

  • Link prospecting and reporting
  • Content promotion packages
  • Creative outreach campaigns
  • Guest blogging/editorial placement
  • Influencer marketing
  • Link reclamation

Based on analysis of competitors, establish pricing tiers for one-time and ongoing services. For example, an initial 4-month link prospecting and outreach campaign could cost $2,500/month.

Make sure pricing properly accounts for labor costs while remaining competitive. Avoid unsustainably undervaluing core services.

Build a Team and Set Up Operations

Running campaigns for multiple clients requires building an outreach team or training in-house staff in proven link building processes.

Key operational setup:

  • Hire freelance link builders or develop an in-house team of outreach specialists.
  • Implement link tracking software like Linkody and reporting processes.
  • Establish communication flows and systems for intake, project management, and results delivery.

In the beginning, focus on developing repeatable processes between a small specialized team before attempting to scale. Quality trumps quantity when proving your agency’s capabilities.

Market and Promote Your Services

Once offerings and operations are established, aggressively promote your services through:

  • A polished website showcasing case studies, sample reports, and client results.
  • SEM and SEO to get found for relevant agency searches.
  • Networking within your local SEO community and affiliates as potential partners.
  • Speaking/contributing at SEO conferences to build brand awareness.

Make it easy for potential customers to learn about your link building expertise and services. Then convert interest into sales calls and demos to close deals.

Manage Link Building Campaigns and Reporting

Now it’s time to onboard clients and activate your refined link building processes.

Key campaign management responsibilities include:

  • Launching prospecting and outreach based on clients’ goals, targets, and keywords.
  • Working with writers to create relevant guest post pitches.
  • Managing the outreach team to ensure timely follow-up.
  • Preparing regular reports on outreach progress, placements achieved, and resulting metrics.

Transparent reporting is crucial for demonstrating campaign efficacy and securing renewals.

Expand Offerings Over Time

Once your core link building services are profitable and running smoothly, explore expanding into other digital marketing offerings.

This might include:

  • Content marketing services to feed into the link building process.
  • Technical SEO audits and implementation.
  • Paid advertising management.

A full inbound marketing suite makes your agency more of a strategic partner versus a tactical vendor. Just be careful not to dilute focus on your established link building competency when expanding.


Launching a link building agency allows you to scale your skills and offers immense income potential. By following the steps of evaluating competitors, honing processes, establishing pricing, building a team, and aggressively promoting your services, you can establish a successful agency brand.

Delivering measurable results and a quality customer experience will enable you to stand out in the growing link building market over the long-term. Focus on strategic growth to expand offerings while remaining laser-focused on link building as your core competency.

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